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The Headlines
POLICE BLOTTER.Two Belgians who were arrested by Dutch police following thejewelry robberyatTEFAFin Maastricht earlier this week have beenreleased without charges, theAssociated Pressreports. An investigation has cleared them; no one else has been arrested in connection with the brazen crime. And in Glasgow, Scotland, on Wednesday, theEvening Standardreports, five people involved in a climate protest were arrested for allegedlygluing themselves to a painting(a 19th-centuryHoratio McCullochlandscape, for the record) at theKelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum, and spray painting the institution’s walls and floors.
‘GROW OR GO’ is art collectorAlain Servais‘s memorable phrase for the need for galleries to keep expanding to compete in this sharp-elbowed art industry. This week brings news of two more outfits that are growing: In Seoul, an international powerhouse, thePace Gallery,hastaken another 1,500 square feetin the building it moved into last year, theFinancial Timesreports, and it will also soon open a teahouse (with cocktails!) and an outdoor courtyard for sculpture. And theArt Newspaperreports that Zurich’sGalerie Peter Kilchmannwillopen a Paris branchin October with about 1,880 square feet. First up: a solo show from artistLeiko Ikemura.
The Digest
The Thai artist, educator, and activistThanom Chapakdeehas died at 64, after being hospitalized with stroke-related complications,Pamela Wongreports. He was a cofounder of theU-Kabatperformance group and a co-organizer of theAsiatopiaperformance festival.[ArtAsiaPacific]
The next director of theCopenhagen Contemporarymuseum will beMarie Laurberg, who is currently artistic director of theKunstmuseum Brandtsin Odense, Denmark. She takes the place ofMarie Nipper, who wastapped to leadtheARKENmuseum in Ishøj.[ArtReview]
AFrancis Baconportrait of fellow artistLucian Freudwent for a cool $52 million amid otherwise subduedSotheby’ssales in London,Angelica Villareports.[ARTnews]
TheNational September 11 Memorial & Museumin New York has filled the last vacant spot in a wall with photographs of the nearly 3,000 people killed in the September 11, 2001 attacks.[The Associated Press]
GagosiandirectorAntwaun Sargent—whoguest-edited an issueofArt in America, our sister publication, last year—got the profile treatment fromRuth La Ferlato coincide with the exhibition he has organized of the late Virgil Abloh’s work at theBrooklyn Museum.[The New York Times]
TheNFT field is not looking so hot these days. “Without question, the NFT market has fallen off the cliff this June,” one expert said. This will be the first month since June of last year with sales below $1 billion, and many of the most popular tokens have seen their prices decline of late. [Bloomberg]
Architectural Digestventured into a home in Napa Valley, California, that is owned by “two San Francisco tech executives.” It features workSally EnglandandNicholas Shurey—and, in the laundry room, wallpaper byGucci.[Architectural Digest]
The Kicker
A JOINT VENTURE.Writer and directorLena Dunhamhas directed the latest music video for musician and artistIssy Wood, and inan interview with Vogue discussed her interest in Wood’s work. “I loved Issy’s paintings—it’s that feeling that you can’t explain when you see something that aesthetically pleases you, like when you scratch a dog’s ear and its leg kicks,” Dunham said. The video’s song, “Both,” is the first single from an album that Wood will release in August.[Vogue]