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The Headlines

FOLLOWING THE PASSINGlast week of art criticPeter Schjeldahl—“whose exuberant prose and perceptive mind made him one of the most widely read art critics in the U.S.,” asAlex Greenbergerwrote inARTnews—friends and colleagues have been filing remembrances. In the latest issue of theNew Yorker, where Schjeldahl wrote for almost a quarter-century, editor-in-chiefDavid Remnicksays that“he was openhearted, he knew how to praise critically, and, to the end, he was receptive to new things, new artists.” In theLos Angeles Times, fellow criticChristopher Knight, who counted Schjeldahl as a friend for some 25 years,argues that his articles“radiated his unwavering belief—one I happen to share—that pleasure is the driving impulse behind the best art, even when its subject matter might be grim, as well as a key to any critical response to it.”

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The Digest

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The Kicker

TEENAGE RIOT.When didJordan Wolfsonknow that he wanted to be an artist? “It just sort of hit me like a lightning bolt that I would be an artist,” he offered ina formidably wide-ranging interviewinInterviewmagazine with fellow artistAnne Imhof. “It happened in a flash when I was 16 years old. Before that, I didn’t have much confidence. I was kind of a frustrated person. I thought I could be a professional skateboarder or something, or a comedian or a graphic designer. I didn’t know. And then one night it just hit me like a lightning bolt.” The rest, of course, is history.[Interview]