
#public art
#street art

Monumental Classical Figures and Graffiti Converge in New Murals by PichiAvo

June 13, 2023

Kate Mothes

“Venus del Mitreo” (2023), part of a project with Museo de Muralismo Contemporáneo de Mérida, Mérida, Spain. All images © PichiAvo, shared with permission

PichiAvo (previously) continue to scale multistory buildings from Ontario to Tahiti, recently painting a series of vibrant new murals. Known for combining figures from Greek mythology with spraypainted tags synonymous with graffiti, the Valencia-based duo often work in vibrant jewel tones, especially warm pinks and violets shadowed by cool blues. Rendered in a style evocative of ancient marble statues, classically idealized portrayals of deities like Mercury and Venus are intertwined with contemporary street art. For a recent project back in the pair’s hometown, the god of wine, Bacchus, hoists a bunch of grapes on a wall of the aptly named Mythic Hotel.

During extensive travels, PichiAvo have found ways to adapt what they call “urbanmythology,” especially as it relates to specific locations. A diptych on two buildings in Paea, Tahiti, taps into a Tahitian legend about the prince of neighboring Paparā and the prince of Paea’s son fighting for control of the land in a javelin duel, thus determining the borders between the two communities. And taking the theme of the wall indoors, an ongoing body of work they call Diaspasis turns raw plasterboard into a canvas, emphasizing crumbled edges as if it has been chiseled and removed from architecture.

If you’re in Montréal, you can stop by PichiAvo’s new solo exhibition titled Three Graces at S16 Gallery, which runs June 15 through July 9. Find more on the artists’ website, and follow updates on Instagram.


“Mercury and Psyche” (2022) in Toronto, Ontario, Canada

“Mercury and Psyche” in progress

“Bacchus” (2022) at the Mythic Hotel in Valencia, Spain

Javelin murals (2023). part of ONO’U, Paea, Tahiti, French Polynesia

Detail of a mural in Tahiti

Photo by Bruno Lopes, courtesy of Underdogs Gallery, Lisbon

Photo by Bruno Lopes, courtesy of Underdogs Gallery, Lisbon

#public art
#street art


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This article comes from the Internet:Monumental Classical Figures and Graffiti Converge in New Murals by PichiAvo