#art history
#video games
In the Hand-Painted Video Game ‘The Master’s Pupil,’ Adventure Awaits Within Monet’s Paintings
October 6, 2023
Jackie Andres

All images © Pat Naoum Games
After seven years of sedulous painting, planning, and perfecting, Australian game developer Pat Naoum finally released The Master’s Pupil in late July of this year. Taking a tactile approach to design, Naoum hand-painted the visual assets on paper before scanning them into the project. He pairs the digitized images with the lauded works of Claude Monet as players venture into the a unique world inspired by the 19th-century artist, roaming through iconic paintings such as “Impression, Sunrise“ (1872) and “Woman with a Parasol” (1875).
Set inside Monet’s eyeball, the objective of The Master’s Pupil is to help the quintessential Impressionist finish his paintings. A small sprite swerves and jumps atop twisting vines, still lifes, and landscapes as it begins to understand Monet’s life, losses, and growing visual restrictions. After solving puzzles about color, physics, and space, finished levels transform into full Monet paintings.
The indie success is available now on Nintendo Switch and Steam for Windows and Mac. For more updates and information, check out Pat Naoum’s Instagram and website.
#art history
#video games
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